Hawaiian pidgin 101
Hawaiian pidgin 101

If you want to pick up some Hawaiian slang terms for food, check out these Hawaiian slang words for anything about food, eating and enjoying foods of Hawaii. Pidgin slang for food or eating is short and direct. Whether you just want to try and understand what Hawaiian lingo is being said in local talk or trying to pick a few of these slang into your chats, you’ll get a better understanding or a chuckle at what some of these Hawaiian slang words or what these everyday expressions actually mean.Įven if you don’t want to speak pidgin, it’s good to understand what others may be talking about without trying to interupt or ask what is being said.

hawaiian pidgin 101

The simplified, broken English was called Hawaiian Pidgin and full of slang phrases that most locales could eventually communicate and otherstand each other in very simple English terms. With some practise on some of the slang can stick to you and you’ll get to use them in a natural way with locals on the islands and talk story as we say. Many of these terms are not so easy to understand or are spoken in reverse but no worries, if it doesn’t make sense to you now. Many of these Hawaiian pidgin terms are typically how early plantation workers from Filipinos, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Hawaiian and others communicated with each other in simple or broken English.

hawaiian pidgin 101

History and background of Hawaiian pidgin Hawaiian slang words can be simple, funny or more complex depending on who you talk with and how hard they are to understand. Now you can learn some basic local Hawaii pidgin or slang and talk story with each other and at least try and make a stab at it when you are here visiting. These expressions are typically condense words or sayings that the same anywhere on the islands and passed through family and friends – the shorter the expression, mo, bettah for everyone.

hawaiian pidgin 101

The slang language is typically how locals on the island chit chat and talk story with friends and family in a local style. Learning some Hawaii slang or pidgin can be funny and frustrating to master. Learn some local Hawaii slang or Pidgin and pick up some easy lingo(update 2023)

Hawaiian pidgin 101